Starting Right: Starting and Restarting a New Year in Youth Ministry

As the school year begins, the perennial question arises: "Where do we start with a new year of youth ministry?" Here are some practical steps to get you going:

  1. Build a team

    Identify people in your community who are interested in youth ministry. Look for two parents, two youth, and two non-parents to start. Pray together, meet regularly, and ask yourselves: "What should we do, and why should we do it?"

  2. Kickoff meeting for parents

    Host an introductory event to allow parents to meet the youth team and learn about the plan for the school year. Share the answer to the question above, along with a schedule of events for the year.

  3. Regular meetings with youth

    Plan regular, hour-long meetings on a monthly or weekly basis, with intentional activities that are both fun and formative. Try a schedule like this:

    10 minutes: Welcome and active check-in

    20 minutes: Game or activity

    20 minutes: Discussion about the activity

    10 minutes: Close with prayer or Compline (allowing youth to lead and offer up their own prayer requests)

    Also, regularly schedule nights devoted to fun or service at your regular meeting times.

  4. Find content for your meetings

    The Episcopal Curriculum for Youth, available at, offers free, theologically sound lessons that can be adapted to any situation. There are many other books and curriculums out there that can help you with content. I am a huge fan of soulpancake which has now merged with Participant at

  5. Join a network of youth ministers

    Connect with other youth ministers for support and ideas. Consider joining an organization like Forma at, or their Facebook group at

  6. Communicate with families

    Use a monthly email newsletter ( is a great, free option) to share photos and announcements. Start a Facebook page for your youth group and consider using a safe texting platform like

  7. Regularly evaluate and celebrate

Meet regularly with your youth team to evaluate the program and celebrate successes. Always ask yourselves: "How are things going? How can we do this better? What do we need to do to make that happen?"

For additional help with any of these steps, contact Randall Curtis at


The DYC (Diocesan Youth Commission)